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[Jesus spoke] “I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” ~ John 14:25-27


This time of year, nature gives us clear signs that summer is giving way to fall. The days get shorter, the temperatures start cooling down, and the leaves change from green to vibrant red, yellow and orange. Our schedules reflect fall rhythms too, as summer vacations give way to the new academic year.

Fall brings a flurry of activity in the church too. Sunday School and Affirmation of
Baptism classes begin. Partners in Praise, Klinge Kor (bell choir), 5 th Sunday Band and New Sounds all begin practicing. The Men’s Group prepares to host the Harvest Dinner. Planning for Reformation Day, All Saints Day, Christ the King Sunday, Advent and Christmas are all well underway.

And as citizens of the United States, we are preparing for the upcoming presidential
election. As a nation, we find ourselves in a divisive election season that makes it difficult to maintain our commitment to love our neighbors. As Christians we are called to be peacemakers and to extend grace and understanding to those around us, even when we disagree.

Martin Luther believed that civil government was part of God’s plan for society. He
believed that people should serve their neighbors; that people with authority should
protect their subjects, enforce justice, and respect their liberties; that in the workplace, people should serve their customers, bosses, coworkers and others in love and service.

To prepare for election day, during worship on Sunday, November 3 rd will remember
our primary identity as God’s beloved children. We will pray for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to be with us as we fulfill our civic duty and cast our ballots. We will pray for ALL candidates and elected officials to be wise leaders. We will pray for unity, peace, safety, and strength.

We will continue with a silent prayer vigil on election day, November 5 th from 7:30 AM to 5:30PM. I will be here praying throughout the day, each of you is invited to come, say a prayer, and light a candle for the peace of Christ to rest on each and every one of us.

Please join me!

Servants Together,
Pastor Karen