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Eleva Lutheran Church will once again host a thrift sale in April, in conjunction with the 100 Mile Small Town Thrift Sales. We are accepting clothing and other typical thrift sale items, just like in previous years. Please do NOT donate items that require a disposal fee or electronics or large furniture.

NEW this year, we have a dedicated room available for drop-offs anytime between now and April. For your convenience, please use the west entrance door, go downstairs, and the first room on the right is marked "THRIFT SALE STORAGE."

If you are dropping off clothes, we kindly ask that you separate the bags/boxes into kids' or adults' clothing. Labels are provided in the storage area for your convenience. The church is open for drop-offs on Fridays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or on Sunday mornings.

To schedule a donation pick-up please call or text Mary Berg at 715-896-9141.

Thank you for thinking of us as you declutter this winter.