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“The Lord is near to the broken-hearted, and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

Throughout our lives, we often encounter the reality that two seemingly opposite things can be true at the same time. For example, the sun can be shining while the temperature is freezing, or we can feel both progress and stagnation simultaneously. This duality also applies to our own selves, as we can embody contradictions, like being both saint and sinner.

The same goes for who we are. We can be a mix of different things, sometimes even opposites. Martin Luther said we are both saint and sinner at the same time. Lent is a great time to think about these contradictions within ourselves. The theme "Broken and Beloved – Stories of God’s Steadfast Love" encourages us to reflect on this. We'll look at biblical characters who experienced both brokenness and being loved. We'll think about how their stories relate to our own lives and remember that God's love is always there, no matter what.

Weekly Themes:

  • March 5th Ash Wednesday – David – Broken by Sin
  • March 12th Naomi – Broken by Grief
    • Service with the Holden Evening Prayer
  • March 19th Elijah – Broken by Fear
  • March 26th The Syrophoenician Woman – Broken by Desperation
  • April 2nd Mary Magdalene – Broken by Demons
  • April 9th Peter – Broken by Failure
    • Service with the Holden Evening Prayer