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On March 2, 2025, following a special worship service that included singing by the Kids of the Kingdom and burying the alleluia, we hosted our annual "Fat Sunday" event, a delightful celebration filled with food, fun, and family time. The event brought together members of the community to enjoy a potluck feast and a variety of family-friendly activities.

The term "Fat Sunday" is inspired by "Mardi Gras" or "Fat Tuesday," traditionally the last day of indulgence before the Lenten season of fasting and sacrifice. This celebration serves as a joyful gathering where we share rich, delicious dishes in a potluck style.

In addition to the potluck, the event featured a range of games and activities for all ages. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and fun as families and friends came together to celebrate before the start of Lent.

Thank you to all who put together Fat Sunday and those that made all the delicious food and desserts!