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"Why invest time and resources in a mission trip when thereis work to be done at home?"

Sometimes, it's hard to really see and understand people who look, think, and act differently from us. However, Scripture reminds us that every individual is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and is deserving of dignity and respect. Jesus even expands the definition of “neighbor” to include those who may differ from us in various ways (Luke 10:25-27; Matthew 5:44-48).

One hope of these types of experiences is to help this generation of Christ-followers to see the people, not just the issues. During these trips, youth are given the opportunity to discover and practice using the gifts God has given them as well as many opportunities to listen to, learn from, and serve people they may not typically encounter in their daily lives, social feeds, or even in their church. Mission trips help broaden perspectives and fuel passion to work together for a bigger purpose. -YouthWorks

Save The Day! On October 6th, our youth will share their experiences from their trip to Duluth, highlighting the incredible memories they created together and with the community.

We welcome everyone to come and hear their stories!